5th Croatian Mathematical Congress

June 18 - 21, 2012, Rijeka, Croatia


Abstract Submission


Authors are invited to contribute for the Congress in Short Communications or Poster format. Each contributor must submit an abstract written in English in LaTeX-Format using this template (please specify in the abstract whether you want to give a talk or present a poster).

Please submit your abstract by e-mail to deanc@math.uniri.hr. The deadline for submission of abstracts is March 15, 2012.


Please note that presentation at the Congress is possible if the speaker has registered and paid the registration fee.

The Scientific committee reserves the right to transfer the accepted abstract to poster session.




  1. Logic

  2. Algebra

  3. Number Theory

  4. Algebraic and Complex Geometry

  5. Geometry and Differential Geometry

  6. Topology

  7. Lie Groups and Representation Theory

  8. Real and Complex Analysis

  9. Operator Algebra nd Functional Analysis

  10. Probability and Statistics

  11. Partial Differential Equations

  12. Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems

  13. Mathematical Physics

  14. Combinatorics

  15. Mathematical Aspects of Computer Science

  16. Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing

  17. Control Theory and Optimization

  18. Applications of Mathematics in the Sciences

  19. Mathematics Education and Popularization of Mathematics

  20. History of Mathematics