Round tables
Mathematics education - current state and perspectives
(Matematičko obrazovanje u Hrvatskoj – stanje i perspektive)
moderators: Aleksandra Čižmešija, Blaženka Divjak, Željka
Milin Šipuš
The round table Mathematics education - current state and
perspectives is designed as a follow-up of the round table The role and
importance of mathematics education held at the Fourth Croatian
Mathematical Congress in Osijek (2008). The proposed round table (Rijeka,
2012) would question the actualities related to important topics of
mathematics education in Croatia. These are:
review of decisions and conclusions of the round table in
Osijek and determination of the degree of their realization, especially in
terms of scientific research in the field of mathematics education and the
status of mathematics education in Croatian scientific space
news in general compulsory, secondary and higher
mathematical education in Croatia, such as:
- adoption of the National
curriculum framework for pre-school education and general compulsory and
secondary education,
- introduction of externally
evaluated assessment in primary and secondary education,
- centralized admission to higher
- criteria for admission to higher
education, with emphasis on admission to university studies
Enhancing mathematical education and research on
non-mathematical study programs
(Unapređenje uloge matematike u obrazovanju i istraživanju
na nematematičkim studijima)
moderators: Blaženka Divjak, Zlatko Erjavec, Vesna Županović
The mathematics is the guiding force and strong support to
various technologies, strongly related to natural sciences and economy and
used in organization and optimization of processes in business, finances
and other areas. Mathematicians have a strong influence on these
processes working on current problems as well as educating others in terms
of various courses.
It rises a question of organizing such courses which are
oriented to education of engineers, economists, computer experts and other
highly educated persons.
We will discuss about such courses for nonmathematicians
at our universities as well as comparison to other universities abroad.
Teaching of mathematics in nonmathematical study can be improved by
introducing adequate mathematical topics as well as using new techniques.
Hence, we emphasize the e-learning of mathematics in high education.
Recently, the level of e-learning in Croatia has significantly increased.
Now, we have to reevaluate obtained results in e-learning in mathematics
and determine the direction of the future development.
Scientific journals
(Znanstveni časopisi)
moderators: Dražen Adamović, Andrej Dujella,
Neven Elezović, Mervan Pašić