5th Croatian Mathematical Congress

June 18 - 21, 2012, Rijeka, Croatia


Croatian Mathematical Society award lecture


The CMS awards every four years the Award of Croatian Mathematical Society to young mathematician for research contribution in mathematics.

In 1996 Ivan Slapničar was awarded for his original and important contributions in relative perturbation theory for eigenvalues and singular values of matrices and the corresponding invariant spaces, and numerical analysis of highly accurate algorithms.

In 2000 Andrej Dujella was awarded for his original and important contributions in finding new sets of Diophantine type, with applications on elliptic curves and number theory.

In 2004 Goran Muić was awarded for his original and important contributions in representation theory of p-adic groups, theory of local L-functions and generic representations, and theta correspondence with applications in the Langlands programme, automorphic forms, and number theory.

In 2008 Ozren Perše was awarded for his original and important contributions in representation theory of vertex algebras and infinite dimensional Lie algebras, with applications in tensor category theory and mathematical physics.


In 2012 Igor Velčić was awarded for his original important contributions to the theory of plate models in elasticity obtained by simultenous homogenization and dimensional reduction.